Mountain Trains of New Hampshire Photo Blog
Tour Name: Mountain Trains of New Hampshire
Tour Date: October 16-20, 2024
Tour Director: Angie Rohrer
Tour Director Highlights:
Have you ever learned how to “speak” New Hampshire? On our recent adventure to New Hampshire we had a delightful step-on guide “Meg” who taught us just that. We also learned about the different colored beautiful Maple leaves: red, orange and yellow. Our weather was absolutely spectacular with blue skies and sunshine most of the time. What do you call snow that falls on the foliage? “Snowliage”. It was truly stunning!
We climbed Mount Washington, which was snow covered at the top, by the famous Cog Railway built in 1868. It is the tallest peak in the northeast and stands 6,288 feet above sea level. Mount Washington also records the 2nd strongest wind gust of 231 mph!!
Cafe’ Lafayette is a fancy dinner train with fine linen table clothes, lots of silverware, and delicious warm dinner rolls to start our five course meal. On the last day, we had our Thanksgiving meal early—and we didn’t have to cook it! Boy, was it scrumptious! Our train ride was beautiful as we viewed the gorgeous fall leaves along the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee. Be sure to sign up for this tour with BNT at the tour preview on January 11th at Calvary Church.