Excitement was high in June of 1957!
Bob Neff, Sr., then director of Lancaster Youth For Christ, had announced a train trip to New York City to hear the popular young evangelist, Billy Graham, preach in Madison Square Garden. Twenty-two hundred excited locals eagerly joined him, completely filling two trains. The trip was a resounding success.

Following his YFC days, Bob joined the staff of WDAC-FM Lancaster and escorted their tours to Bibletown in sunny Florida, where they enjoyed Christian fellowship and top Bible teachers and musicians from across the nation.
The radio station discontinued these tours in 1971, but the seed of a dream had been sown. Bob had glimpsed the thrill of Christians sharing their faith, and enjoying fellowship while traveling, and there was no turning back. He continued organizing trips to Florida, gradually adding tours to New England, Wisconsin’s Dells, and Holland, Michigan, during tulip-time.
In 1977, Bob and his wife, Jean, were licensed by the Interstate Commerce Commission and Bob Neff Tours was born. The Pennsylvania Utilities Commission granted its authorization, and incorporation was achieved in 1983.
During those early years, Bob and Jean handled the business from their home, sacrificing living space, even building an addition as the staff grew. By 1989, Bob Neff Tours had outgrown every available corner, and the office was moved to the Oregon Business Complex.
Begun by two people for the purpose of combining travel with Christian fellowship, the dedicated staff, headed by Bob Neff, Jr., now numbers more than twenty and conducts Christian Fellowship Tours throughout the United States, Canada, and worldwide.
The company continues to maintain its original purpose…
“To conduct ourselves in a manner that is honoring to God; to relate to each person who travels with us by showing love, respect and kindness; to offer wholesome, family-oriented tours at a competitive price; and to promote an enjoyable, refreshing environment for our staff and traveling friends.”
The Bob Neff Tours Staff is ready to assist you with your next vacation getaway!
Contact us today!
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