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“The earth belongs to God. Everythingin all the world is His!” -Psalm 24:1
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Attraction(s) - Please list the attraction(s) you most enjoyed.:
Is there an attraction you feel we should not include the next time?:
Hotel(s) - Please list which hotel(s) you most enjoyed.:
Is there a hotel you feel we should not include on another tour?:
Meal(s) - Please note the meal you most enjoyed.:
Is there a meal or restaurant you feel we should not include the next time?:
What suggestions or changes do you feel would make this tour better?:
Would you recommend this tour to a friend?: YesNo
Other comments:
Tour Director’s Professionalism
Tour Director’s Name:
Please rate the following areas using: 5=Excellent 4=Good 3=Satisfactory 2=Fair 1=Poor
Driver’s Professionalism
Driver’s Name:
Office Staff
Is there an office staff person you wish to recognize by name for a job well done?
Do you have a few words of testimonial about this tour that we could include on our website?:
Please complete if you would like a response: