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Bob Neff Tours

“The earth belongs to God. Everything
in all the world is His!” -Psalm 24:1

Peddler’s Village Gingerbread Houses

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Price per person: $169.00

Walking Guide 3

Walking Guide 3 requires moderate amount of walking possibly on uneven surfaces; longer and shorter days; possible air travel with long walks to terminal gates.

Browse the Village shops ad marvel at the imaginative gingerbread creations.


Pickup *

Emergency contact name & phone number (someone not traveling on this tour). *

Each Travelers Name *

Separate names by using commas

Date of Trip *

Peddler’s Village Gingerbread Houses

Thu, Dec 12   $169
Pickup: Lancaster, PA    Ephrata, PA    Lv-8:00 am    Rt-7:30 pm

*Arrive at Peddler’s Village for lunch together at Cock N Bull restaurant-included
*Browse the Village shops and marvel at the imaginative gingerbread creations
*Have dinner at one of the Village eateries before heading home-on own


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